Sitemap - 2008 - The Barbershop: Dennis Byrne, Proprietor

Rod finds a dumbass to appoint senator

Give optimism a chance

Another told-ya-so for Park Ridge

Dear Santa Claus, how about some credit?

Pat Quinn compounds our mess

SNL itself is the joke

Unsung Hero--the other Fitzgerald--Behind Blagojevich Arrest Could Fill Senate Seat

"You need a little corruption to make government work"

Thanks, Rich Daley

More baloney from the New York Times

Illinois Has Long Been For Sale

Axelrod says Obama and Blagojevich had spoken about the open Senate seat.

Illinois voters: Can you top this?

Just dump Holder now

Modified Loans Do Little to Help Homeowners

Virgin America to start hub service

George Ryan for U.S. Senator

Justice for Park Ridge and Des Plaines?

"Experts" blow their Black Friday predictions

Big Bailouts, Bigger Bucks

Durbin asks Bush to commute Ryan sentence

Who will hold Daley accountable for O’Hare?

Blame the media

Sam Zell speaks

Bailout Spending is Out of Control

Iraqi Parliament Approves U.S. Security Pact

The Garbage in Chicago's Budget

Durbin may seek to commute former Gov. George Ryan's sentence

Illinois' bad joke

O’Hare expansion is on life support

United CEO supports O'Hare expansion

Who will put Bensenville back together again?

Time to support a better alternative to O’Hare Expansion

Airlines at last say no to further O’Hare expansion

Quashing low-fare competition at O’Hare

GM should file for bankruptcy

Time to give race a respite

A tough time for comics with Obama as president? Yes, they can worry where to find the funny --

Secret Order Lets U.S. Raid Al Qaeda in Many Countries -

Remember when Martin Luther King tried to march through white Chicago neighborhoods?

I'll bet they did

ABC News: Emanuel Was Director Of Freddie Mac During Scandal

It’s not Obama’s fault

Obama’s doing God’s work

Obama’s Cheney

Finally--maybe--an end to the economy bashing

More Fireworks for Grant Park?

The worm turns?

Obama Cites Questionable Study on McCain Ads

Proving once again that...

Had enough yet? Vote for change

Chicago Goes To Washington

More reporting incompetence at the New York Times

Judge tosses lawsuit challenging Obama citizenship

An Upturn in the Housing Market?

Existing home sales jump sharply

Racism among Obama's supporters.

Obama campaign selling Chicago election night coverage packages to news outlets

ACORN ain't ready for vote fraud

The aura of Mr. Smooth

A new look at Democratic class warfare

It's the work of the political handlers, not of intelligent life

Sheesh, why not call in the FBI too?

America's big economic flimflam

The Bailout: Recommended Reading

Ebert, again

And the public wins!

Blame the Democrats

3 to 4.3 Billion Barrels of Technically Recoverable Oil Assessed in North Dakota and Montana’s Bakken Formation

Court blocks guv’s health care expansion

Mary Mitchell’s Ophidian World

Tollway chief follows the game plan

Campbell Brown: Free Sarah Palin: The Swamp

Hold on: Maybe the economy can wait

Who's right on home prices?

Obama and Ayers Pushed Radicalism On Schools -

Sen. Dick Durbin: No agent of change

Greeley predicts a wave of book burnings

Chicago needs more airport capacity: FAA chief

Obama sidesteps reform in Illinois

The Aussies understand us better than, well, us.

Sarah Palin is not a woman

Is Charlie Gibson able to define the "Bush Doctrine"

So when do you think that Biden will withdraw as the vice presidential candidate in favor of Hillary Clinton?

What we've all been waiting for: Roger Ebert's review of Sarah Palin

This is astonishing

Lipstick on a donkey

On aborting "defective" children

Sliming Palin

The straight talk about the economy McCain should have delivered

Obama has made up his mind

Democrats discover homemaking

Obama's excellent experience as a community organizer

The bitter, bitter, bitter Gloria Steinem

Interesting and latest tracking poll...

How Obama lost the election

A cookie-jar fixation

Sarah Palin's pregnant daughter

Imagine for one sweet minute an Illiinois Gov. Palin


Sarah Palin: In her own words

Looks good to me

Maher: Embarrassed by MSNBC panting over Obama

What's the name for a woman Uncle Tom?

One more, and perhaps the most important, question about Jay Mariotti leaving the Sun-Times

Even more news that you won't hear at the Democratic National Convention

More news you won't hear at the Democratic National Convention..

If you think this is outrageous, wait until Obama becomes president

Cynicism run amok

Obama's lost law review article

Cheering is heard from the press box

Newsalert: Cook County skims 3% from workers' charity donations

News you won't hear at the Democratic National Convention

Voters should be troubled by Obama's abortion stance

Obama to DOJ: Block terrorist ad

Ask him how many cars he's got

How sad

Nepotism: Illinois Democrats and the Family Jewels

Open up Annenberg papers or return them

A pawn for a pawn?

This is Chicago. What did you expect?

Obama Details Raising Taxes

Daley gets an Olympic eyeful

If we're to fight a war effectively..

Andolino in Wonderland

Keep the kids in school

The hypocrisy of affordable housing "advocates"

No comment necessary

Democratic leaders need constitutional jolt

Tens pounds of airplane in a five-pound bag

Why do Chicago newspapers end up with owners like this?

And they laughed at Reagan for this

What blockhead is responsible for this?

Still waiting for the recession to begin...

Just in case the world tips and...

Where does Illinois rank on Traffic Fatalities, Deficient Bridges and Congestion?

Good luck with that

Justice for red-light runners

How many angels can dance on a plastic bag?

"Activists" secure a lifetime guarantee of cash

A standing ovation from the press box

Turning trash into cash...

I want my money back

There's gold for Chicago pols in new housing bill

But what does it mean?

Don't let facts stand in the way

Let him run for president of the European Union

Obama the Flawless

No Good Reason to Spike McCain's Op-Ed

Oh, the shame

Fixing Springfield

The Chicago Machine: It never left

Evanston, Precious Evanston

Is Obama tripping over his ego?

We the people of Illinois, in order to form a more perfect state, do gather in this constitutional convention

Aw, fugetit

Here's a new blog

Another reason to cut off Jesse Jackson

Public transit riders should pay same fuel-cost increases as motorists

Sen. Schumer single-handedly sinks a bank

United Airlines wants more regulation--for someone else

"Believe it or not, these are fake"--Chicago Tribune Headline

Straight talk on gasoline prices

The self-gelding of Jesse Jackson

Huffington poster's ignorant response to my column about Obama contributors

Obama's cash, spin piling up

Jesse Jackson shoots, misses

Citizens of Illinois, let us throw off our chains

From the folks who brought you Illinois’ awful government: Millions to stop a constitutional convention

Moderation supreme in gun decision

Words You Cannot Say About George Carlin

Scalia loves gang-bangers

Yes, do it, Guv

Great Lakes oil drilling an idea to be delved

The Sun-Times turns Mariotti into the Teflon columnist

Nothing more needs to be said

More Problems at O'Hare Airport

Is the war over yet?

Technology can't improve a stupid idea

Should you be able to impeach someone just because he is a blockhead?

They must have been taking smartin' pills

Read "Caution: Offense Ahead" in the box to the right...

In memory of Gilda Radner

One down, one to go.

The hunt is on for something else to rip up in Grant Park

Energy Watchdog Sees Demand for Crude Slowing -

An item from the sound-the-alarm-department

Do you think this news will reach the Democrats?

Illinois politics in D.C.

Illinois' fake budget

The scariest part is the Trinity congregation

The UN is failing Myanmar

Wanted: Fiscally responsible politicians

Dan Seals' campaign ploy offering cheap gas snarls traffic

Newsweek as a mouthpiece for Obama

Exploring the nature of Illinois voters

GOP wants state gas tax holiday(s)

Class warfare bites Democrats in the ass

Those lyin' Democrats

Gay marriage decision came from a tyrannical court

A call for change that you won't hear from Obama

Obama Says Bush and McCain Are Naive

Myanmar cyclone: Burma junta is killing its own people, says West - Telegraph

Ayers shudda been on “Laugh-In”

Chicago’s blue bag recycling program: Garbage in, Garbage out

Troop surge in the 'hood?

Ethanol not a real solution

Catholics can open priesthood, gain souls

$100 million for museum?

Illinois’ Surrender to the Herd

Same old China

The Children’s (Museum) Crusade

Recall them all

It's time to let Wright go


Plumbing Gasoline Prices

Secede from Cook County

The Deafening Racket of Regulatory Boards

Something's fishy about pork debate

Barack Obama’s speech was brilliant

Illinois GOP's failures are so stunning that party must be rebuilt

Why the GOP lost Hastert's seat

Rumbling you hear is haggling over more freight trains

Saturday with Foster and Oberweis

Obama's got the details; they're a disaster

Governor's surrender

Ban anonymous sources in campaign stories

Democrats make rules, then gripe about them

Finding an answer for the NIU shootings

The governor of three states?

Show exit polls the door

Boo Hoo, Someone Edited My Copy

The Choice for Illinois Democrats

Handout is just that no matter its name

Flummoxed in Illinois, A Guide to Super Tuesday.

McCain most capable of this batch of hopefuls

Kerry Goes Down with His Swift Boat, Again

Chances for old-time convention look good

Saying "No" to Abortion

Leave Iraq? We already are

Keeping the Lights on at The Bright One

Gangbangers as Terrorists

Let the Red States Drown

Bipartisan Forces Gather in Court Against Blagojevich

Enough already with the political change

Speak for yourself, Ellen