Sitemap - 2006 - The Barbershop: Dennis Byrne, Proprietor

`Childize' a merry Christmas

Cents or sensibility on detector law?

Iraq report beyond naive; it's dangerous

ISG Prescribes Vietnam All Over Again

City saves us from ... ?

More Harrumphing From Jesse Jackson

Apologies Don't Mean Anything Anymore

No Room for Nativity Story in Chicago Plaza

Living high on the D.C. hog

Flee Iraq, relive shame of Vietnam

The New York Times, again

We're just wild about the ethically challenged Nancy Pelosi

Stroger victory proves it: Weak voters elect weak leaders

For Obama, Problems at Home?

Candidates, stop hiding behind push-poll curtain

Suburbs to Chicago: Butt out of our congressional elections

Don't Withdraw, It's Time to Take Out Sadr

The real extremist? You be the judge

On the road to MAD with the North Korean madman

`Throwing away your vote' is a trashy notion

Hastert's Illinois Approach to Politics

Playing politics with electricity rates

There's No Defending GOP in Foley Crisis

Terror-report fight misses big picture

County needs fixing, not another Stroger

Rosie's rant won't work in Wheaton

Saying goodbye to home--the place of our lives

Clinton's Artless Equivocation on 'The Path to 9/11'

He can run but can't hide

More Language Glop From the Left

Plan B's Junk Science

9/11 conspiracies are a crying shame

Immigration issue indeed one of morality

New Flying Rules Are Actually a Godsend

Widening the racial divide

Illinois Races Draw National Attention

Key to energy reform: Let our oil prices soar

Stem Cell Advocates Tread Dangerous Ground

Blagojevich's budget of smoke and mirrors

Fiefdom politics in Cook County

Bring in the Troops

In search of employment

Independence Day for City Hall

Save Patrick Fitzgerald

Contorting the law as a rebuke

Cutting Through the Hyperbole on Hamdan

Guillen speaks: Do we really even care?

Social Conservatives Were Right, Again

Bush Playing Like a Big Leaguer Again

Who's running Cook County?

Will Supreme Court take the side of parents on school choice?

Pro-Gay Groups: Offer Your Own Amendment

What will governor try to sell next?

Remembering a Special Group: Draftees

Board game: Don't ask, don't tell.Cook County voters should demand answers about John Stroger, or vote for GOP in the fall

English is Spoken Here

Chicago and its corrupt leanings

NSA Story Has Media Confused, Carried Away

"The Da Vinci Code" Doesn't Exist. Dan Brown doesn't either.

The risk that I didn't know existed doesn't exist. After all.

Let the throat-cutting commence: How can it be anything but business as usual if the 2016 Olympics comes to Chicago?

Heaven help us when politicians start governing

Biden's Counterproductive Iraq Proposal

So what if we were punked? Soldier Field should have been bulldozed

Oil Slick

Ain’t no foie gras kind a town

Dem Snow Job

The Sorry State of Illinois

When Conficting Civilizations Collide

Illegal Immigrants: Just another unit of economic measure

Maybe the NY Times Figured We Wouldn't Notice

Let's have good news from Iraq, please: Criticisms of a liberal media bias seem valid

Absence of moral authority: The clergy's failures are beyond the shame that they bring down on the church

Campaign 2006: Is this all there is?

The Washington Press Corps Don't Know Conspiracy

Domestic Stem Cells

Ted Kennedy: The ghost of McCarthy past

Losing our heads over bogus claims

It's dark in here.

Liberal hypocrisy

Intelligent Design and Science

Take a bow.