Trump is blowing the election. If he doesn't start focusing on the independent voters, he'll lose.
The formula that worked once to get Donald Trump elected in 2016 and the same formula that turned him and his party into losers in 2020 and 2022, is the same one that will again turn him into a loser in 2024.
He’ll have no one else to blame other than himself. He’ll not just destroy his chance for victory. He will have betrayed the millions who have supported him through thick and thicker. They will have every right to be angry.
Charles Lipson, the Peter B. Ritzma professor of political science emeritus at the University of Chicago, explains it as plain as plain can be in the Spectator article, “Now that Trump faces Harris, not Biden, he has failed to pivot his attack”:
Trump was caught flat-footed [by the defenestration of Joe Biden and the party’s oligarchy installing Kamala Harris as the next empty (pants)suit]— and it shows. He hasn’t settled on his main lines of attack against Kamala Harris or launched a major media campaign to define her. He selected his own vice presidential nominee, J.D. Vance, while Biden was still the presumptive nominee. Presuming he would easily defeat Biden, Trump picked a running mate who would lock in his MAGA agenda for 2028 and beyond.
Now that Trump faces Harris, not Biden, he has failed to pivot his attack. He is running an undisciplined campaign, designed to mobilize the faithful at rallies. He talks at length about whatever strikes his fancy. He pays no attention to undecided voters and has yet to launch an advertising blitz to define the opposition. The risk is that Kamala will define herself for voters before Trump can paint her as a “radical, left-wing San Francisco liberal.”
Trump seemingly and mistakenly believes that turning out big rally crowds is the most effective campaign strategy. I wish it were. But his base is not large enough to win the election. Continue down this same path and he will be hugely responsible for electing Harris.
Related: Democrats’ Deception May Win the Presidential Election Again. If voters believe the chants of ‘USA! USA!’ they’re in for another four years of far-left governance.
Mike you are 100% Correct. Dennis also blows. Dennis fled Illinois for the fool’s paradise and swamp known as Florida. He loves to bash Illinois for its high taxes and liberal policies. When he linger can afford homeowners insurance or his house is blown away in a hurricane, he will happily ask the Feds to bail him out
Trump isn't just blowing the election.
In street parlance (as found in the Urban dictionary), Trump simply blows:
1) Beyond sucking. A situation that is totally hopeless and just....Blows.
2) A step above suck on the "bad things" scale."
As in "Anyway you look at it...personally, professionally, politically...Trump blows."
And if you're really a patriot (I know you capital-C conservatives love to tart yourselves up in the red white n blue), perhaps you haven't forgotten the difference between strong but fair leadership, and the violation of bedrock democratic principles that no-fucking-way-in-hell-is-he-conservative Donold Trump represents.
Maybe you're just another one of those "suckers" he likes so much. Just like the dictionary says, a step below blow.