Wow, Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance took Democrat Tim Walz to the cleaners in last nights debate. How could it been otherwise. In an earlier post (reprinted below) I expressed amazement that anyone would think that this guy would have made a good president in case he ascended to that job.
Did Kamala Harris really believe that picking a shit-kicker for her vice presidential candidate was the way to capture the votes of middle America?
Does she really think that Midwesterners are so stupid that a stereotype—a stupid one at that—could send them flocking to her, while ignoring his far-left stances?
Apparently so.
The press reviews pitched right in: Walz, they said, is “down-to-earth,” “loyal,” “humble,” “plain-spoken,” “nice,” “affable and relatable,” possessing “avuncular charm,” a “happy warrior” (remember Hubert Humphrey?), a “smiling political pugilist from the upper Midwest.” has a “folksy manner,” is “a straight, white guy from the Midwest,” is “ straight from central casting for the role of ‘Midwestern Dad,’”and exudes “the veneer of Midwestern politeness.”
The New York Times issued hosannas:
In selecting Mr. Walz, Ms. Harris has picked a one-man rejoinder to the idea that the Democrats are the party of the cultural and coastal elite….Mr. Walz has led a life that stands out in the top echelon of American politics: a tableau filled with scenes of farming, turkey hunting, weekends of National Guard duty, public schools and coaching the local high school football team to a state championship.
In other words, the rubes will love him. The yokels, bumpkins and hayseeds. The elites might still believe that the goobers, in Hillary Clinton’s immortal words, are a “basket of deplorables.” But now, for public consumption, fly-over-country people are defined as a baskets of clodhoppers and rustics. People who are ignorant or stupid enough to vote for someone because he is a cob.
Of course, Midwesterners will be so blinded by Walz’ goofy grin that they’ll won’t notice his soaring hard-left, ultra liberal, out-of-his mind progressive nonsense.
No need to itemize it here. His extreme views are listed here, here, here, and here among a ton of other sites. He backs free college tuition, legal recreational marijuana, protections for transgender people, claims that abortion is health care, backs zero emission standards for cars, supports a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. Name a progressive cause, no matter how unworkable or ridiculous, and he’s for it.
Who can forget his stand-aside posture as governor when Minneapolis was torched by the “mostly peaceful” rioters ignited by the George Floyd murder? A five-mile stretch of downtown exploded in arson and looting while a police precinct was set on fire. It took Walz three days of anarchy before he deployed the National Guard.
You can be sure that he’ll flash that wide smile of his as he helps cast America deeper into the progressive hell of higher prices, crime, inflation and open border that Biden (or should I say his puppeteers) have wrought.
Walz gives an entirely new meaning to a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Or Trojan Horse.
Harris could have picked a cosmopolitan, moderate liberal candidate as her running mate. But for various reasons, stated and unstated, she (or her handlers) rejected Josh Shapiro. My guess is that Shapiro would not allow himself to be manhandled like Joe Biden has been and Kamala Harris will be by the likes of the Obama fourth-termers.
Harris’ selection of Walz is insulting to the millions of middle Americans who don’t fit Harris’ stereotype. The goofy stereotype that Harris and her harebrained political consultants think is real.
It’s all too weird, man.